TOA Landscape Architecture -現地法人名 諾風景観設計諮詢(上海)有限公司- は、日本人設計者によって設立、運営される上海を拠点としたランドスケープ設計事務所です。2003年より中国での業務を開始し、クライアントへのよりスピーディーで緊密な対応を目指して2005年10月に日本独資による現地法人を設立いたしました。弊社は商業空間・オフィス空間・都市公園や広場・ホテル・リゾート開発・居住空間・広域マスタープラン等幅広いランドスケープ業務をコンセプト立案から現場の設計監理まで行なっております。各々の土地が持つ歴史的、社会的、文化的資源や気候、地形など複雑に絡み合う条件をシンプルに解きほぐし、理解を深め、デザインに落とし込むことを心がけております。
TOA Landscape Architecture is Shanghai based Landscape design firm established by the Japanese Landscape Architects in 2003 to meet the highly demands of rapid development in China. TOA Landscape Architecture offers full spectrum of professional services in master planning and landscape architecture such as Mixed-use development, hospitality, institution, urban spaces, residential projects from the conceptual design to the construction supervising. Our design approaches are to create the contemporary, simple and unique landscape practices that respond to the complex site condition such as natural, historical and cultural resources, local climate, topography and the social problems.
Our projects spread across all over China, Japan and Asia region and over 100 landscape projects were completed.
TOA Landscape Architecture
1999年筑波大学芸術専門学群環境デザインコース卒業。株式会社東京ランドスケープ 研究所、Peridian Asia Pte. Ltd.(シンガポール)、ATLAS-21上海事務所勤務後を経て、2005年10月TOA Landscape Architecture 設立。2023年7月株式会社バリアスデザイン代表取締役。2013年~2018年中国美術学院上海 設計学院都市空間デザイン系准教授(外聘)。日本ランドスケープ連盟JLAU (Japan Landscape Architects Union) 正会員。
Okawa Yoshinari is an experienced landscape architect. After graduated from University of Tsukuba major in environmental design in 1999, he worked for Tokyo Landscape Architecture Inc. in Tokyo and Peridian Asia Pte. Ltd. in Singapore thereafter established TOA landscape architecture in 2005. He has been working as a Managing director in TOA since 2005. He also established Various Design Inc. in 2023. His works spread all over Asian countries and cities such as Tokyo, Singapore, China and Vietnam through over 20 years’ experience. He was appointed as an associate professor at Shanghai Design School of China Academy of Art from 2013 to 2018.
1970年 函館大学商学部不動産鑑定学科卒業。株式会社北海道造園設計、蔦森ランドスケープ有限会社を経て2005年10月TOA Landscape Architecture.設立。一級造園施工管理技士。
Tsutamori Shunsuke is a more than 40 years experienced landscape architect since 70s. His rich experience and acknowledge about design and construction enable him design with wide range solution from the concept to construction supervision. His nature oriented design solution obtains clients’ highly praise.
2006年よりTOA Landscape Architectureに勤務、デザイナーとして多くのプロジェクトに参与し、15年以上の経験を有する。国立函館高専を卒業後、中国においてプライベートガーデンから商業景観、住宅開発、ホテル、公園など多岐にわたる設計を経験する。
2006年3月国立函館高専専攻科卒業。同年TOA Landscape Architecture勤務。
Otsuka Yuki is a more than 15 years experienced landscape architect and working for TOA Landscape Architecture since 2006. After graduated from Japan National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College, major in urban design, he has taken charge of the various range of landscape design projects in China from private gardens to commercial developments, hotels and urban parks.
工学院大学(日本)でランドスケープのマスターコース修了後、Studio on site社に勤務。星のや谷関、星のや沖縄、OMO7大阪など著名な多くのプロジェクトに参加する。現場に立脚したデザインの実践を経て、2023年よりTOA Landscape Architectureに参加。
2016年3月工学院大学建築学科ランドスケープ専攻修了。2016〜2023年 有限会社Studio on site。2023年よりTOA Landscape Architecture勤務。日本登録ランドスケープアーキテクト(RLA)。日本ランドスケープ連盟正会員。
After finishing his landscape master’s degree from Kogakuin university in Japan, Zhang Li started his carrer in well-known design firm Studio on site in 2016. He experienced hands-on approach design method through several hospitality projects such as Taiwan Hoshinoya Guguan, Hoshinoya Okinawa, OMO 7 Osaka and so on. He joined TOA Landscape Architecture in 2023. Registered landscape architect in Japan. Member of Japan Landscape Architects Union.
最年少アソシエートとしてTOA Landscape Architectureにおいて多くの高級リゾートプロジェクトを担当する。中国美術学院上海設計学院建築及び環境芸術コースを卒業後、2015年からTOA Landscape Architectureに参加。杭州アップタウンインディゴホテルや南京ガーデンエキスポVOCOホテル、ベトナムミネラホテルなどの作品が中国国内で多くの賞を受賞する。
2015年中国美術学院上海設計学院建築及び環境芸術デザインコース卒業。同年よりTOA Landscape Architecture勤務。
Chen Rong is a young and energetic landscape architect, working for TOA landscape Architecture as a youngest associate member of the firm. After graduated from China Academy of Arts in 2015, she has participated numerous luxury hospitality projects and achieved successful outcomes such as Hangzhou Uptown Indigo hotel, Nanjing Garden Expo VOCO Hotel and Minera Hotel in Vietnam. Her excellent works were also awarded prizes in many Chinese domestic awards.
Li Junyi
Gong Peiting
Ma Jun
Qu Songda
Li Yuanwei
Tan Xiao
Liu Junyi
Guo Ying
Wang Chongning
Yu Xiaotong
Zhang Lanlan
World Landscape Architecture web magazine
– Anji Creative Design Center
World Landscape Architecture web magazine
– Binh Chau Hot Spring Resort / Suzhou Grande Canal Indigo Hotel / Nanjing Garden Expo VOCO Hotel
Japanese Design In China / Jiangsu Phoenix science & Technology Publishing
World Landscape Architecture web magazine
– Sky Bridge HQ
Moool web magazine
– Sky Bridge HQ
Moool web magazine
– Hongqiao Indigo Hotel / Qibao Vanke Plaza
Landscape Zhou web magazine
– Hongqiao Indigo Hotel
New Landscape in China / Guangxi Normal University Press
大美无形-现代景观在中国的融合与创新 / Tianjin University Press
Landscape Design Magazine (Japan) August 2012 / Marumo
Chinese Landscape Planning & Design / Tianjin University Press
Top 50 Landscapes in China / IFeng Space publishing
Contemporary Landscape Design 1, 2 / Fujian Science & Technology publishing
Hokkaido Shimbun